Lo stile di Ez è eclettico:Pop Rock con sfumature R&B.Ad ogni suo concerto ama accontentare le richieste del suo pubblico suonando alla chitarra le canzoni che tutti desiderano ascoltare!Viene da Chicago, Illinois ma a parte questo non ama dare notizie della sua RL.Suona vari strumenti, come la chitarra, il piano, un piccolo ukelelee, ma quello che ama soprattutto fare inworld è cantare.Le sue influenze musicali vanno da Pearl Jam, Bush, STP, Lifehouse.
Some questions for EZ:
Do you want me to use your real name?
** no thanks, ezcape Hax for now **
Where are you from?
** Chicago, Illinois **
How long have you been playing music?
**I took piano lessons when I was younger, but barely remember that much. I've been playing guitar since the summer of '94. **
What instruments do you play?
** Guitar, piano, a little uke, and love to sing (my favorite instrument)**
What has influenced you to get your to where you are today musically?
** Pearl Jam, Bush, STP, Lifehouse**
How would you describe your style?
**Pop Rock, with a little R&B mixed in**
Any thing else you would like to add?
** Basically I'm a singer, who just happens to play guitar**
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