Astronimus Randt ha iniziato a cantare in tenera età nel coro dei bambini nella chiesa di famiglia.
Qualche anno più tardi ha cominciato a prendere lezioni di violino ed è diventato musicista e cantante. Più tardi ha intrapreso lo studo della chitarra.Poco dopo ha cominciato a scrivere le sue canzoni.Ha lavorato negli studi di registrazione sia come compositore che come cantautore esibendosi in molti teatri.
Astronimus si esibisce live in Second Life dallo suo studio di registrazione e suona un mix di musica classica, jazz e new age.Ma canta anche canzoni rock/pop e soul. Suona il violino, la chitarra il flauto e le tastiere molti dei pezzi che esegue sono composti proprio da lui.
Astronimus è un intrattenitore affascinante ed i suoi spettacoli rilassano e fanno sognare..nel corso dei suoi shows esegue un sapiente mix di covers e canzoni originali.
Astronimus Randt started singing at a very young age in the children's choir of his family church. A few years later, he started taking violin lessons and has been a singer and violinist since his early years. Later, he picked up the guitar and started playing that as well. Shortly thereafter, he began songwriting and composing. When he attended college, he majored in composition and minored in applied violin. He has also worked in recording studios as both a musician and in the production/engineering aspect also. He also performs in musical theatre and has perfromed both on-stage and in the orchestra pit. Astronimus began playing professionally at 15 years of age.
Astronimus performs live in Second Life from his home 16-track project recording studio, playing a mix of classical, jazz and new age. He also sings rock/pop and soul songs. Utilizing the violin, guitar, flute, and keyboard, many of the works performed are composed by Astronimus himself.
Astronimus is a charming, pleasant and well-mannered individual in both RL & SL. His shows have been described as "dreamy" and "soothing". He can play either all originals, all covers or a mixture of both at a show.
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