Cylindrian Rutabaga e' Grace Budford, da Atlanta (Georgia).
Con la sua chitarra acustica al pianoforte, Cylindrian suona un genere di musica molto intenso, folk rock accompagnato da parole molto profonde e sentite: un mix in grado di creare un sound davvero unico.
Le perfomances live di Grace accompagnano gli ascoltatori ad una sorta di corsa emozionale attraverso le proprie esperienze di vita insieme con gli artisti che l'hanno maggiormente influenzata.
As with those shining lights of previous generations of folk/acoustic rock acts, Grace's influences are broad, she is open-minded, curious and not a believer in musical boundaries defined by genres Grace creates what she feels.
Of course to truly experience Grace the best way is to catch her live show, a performer that holds nothing back in terms of energy and is happiest when sharing. There's no pretense or falsehoods, no trickery or gimmicks, be it an intimate venue or a hall you are guaranteed the bare-footed energetic dynamo that is Grace Buford, a voyage of laughter, of tears and every emotion in between is shared openly with her audience and it will leave you wanting for more."
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